
The image here shows the information gathered by our Boditrak Pressure mat.  Notice the rectangle on the bottom which is showing 51% of the pressure on the left foot with the other 49% on the right foot.  The rectangle on the left shows the foot pressure of the left foot being 41% on the toe and 59% on the heel.  The right side rectangle shows 50/50 heel to toe pressure.
Notice the white dot in the middle which is your center of pressure and the white line is the trace or path of your center of pressure.

The drill discussed in the video has been extremely helpful for two problems in particular; sway and to much toe foot pressure at the top.  In both situations the foot pressure is getting out of control and we are unable to load the trial leg to maximize power and control.

By putting a couple tees under your trail shoe, you will gain a much greater focus and awareness of your foot pressure.  This can be a great introduction to using better footwork, balance, etc, etc.  For this drill, let’s put the tees under the inside of your trail heel and as you make your back swing focus on smashing the tees into the ground.  This will give you a much better chance of maximizing your load into the trail leg.